1 min read

Creative and Strategic Approaches to Early Learning Systems-Building


There is an overwhelming unmet need for quality early learning access and supports for young children in California. To support the development of a high quality early learning system, First 5 Association of California contracted with VIVA to research and understand how states have built and expanded early learning systems.

As part of this research, VIVA developed a compendium that lists many of the components of a high quality early learning system for licensed care for children birth through age five, along with examples of how states have implemented these components through policy or legislation and trends that cut across different states’ approaches. The examples have been divided into four sections, based on which broad part of a high quality early learning system they target and improve: quality, access, systems coordination, and accountability.

Click here to view the compendium.

A diverse array of legislative options for building high quality early learning systems for licensed birth through age five care exists across the country—and can serve as a guide for discussion and consideration in California.