1 min read

San Mateo County Human Services Agency: Strategic Plan

Case Study

The Challenge

When large government agencies with many different departments  work in departmental isolation, it is problematic for both the agency and for the community. Though departments are frequently serving the same families, they struggle to move past their own set of responsibilities and requirements to work in a more integrative way. By engaging all levels of San Mateo County Human Services Agency from the service recipients to the Agency Director in an inclusive yet highly structured process, we can create a clear line of sight across levels and departments, putting the pieces together to create integration.

How can a Human Service Agency with seven departments and thousands of staff align with a common vision, desired outcomes, and shared values?

The Approach

VIVA worked with the Human Services Agency in a highly participatory planning process that engaged families, community service providers, and all levels of agency staff. The structured process was designed to result in a scaffolded strategic plan, resulting in a common vision, mission, values, and goals. For each of the seven departments, an implementation plan was built out to to include customized strategies and indicators that aligned with the shared goals. 


“Working with VIVA was refreshing and very different from typical strategic planning efforts. Their energy and sense of fun served to engage our contributors, and yet the process was highly focused and effective.”

- Iliana Rodriguez, Director, San Mateo County Human Services Agency